NSW - 120 profile(s).

Evan Millar

29-Oct-14Touch-Football -Intermediate

GYMEA, NSWMale, 35

Looking to join a touch or oz tag team. Can play any day. Played on and of for 8years. Anywhere in the sutherland shire. Evan

Meghan Israel

27-Jul-14Touch-Football -Beginner

PYRMONT, NSWFemale, 36

I'm a fan of contact sports and touch-football is contact enough for me to be fun, engaging, and will keep my heart racing throughout. I'd like to get involved in as much sports as I can. Right now, I am active in basketball, playing for an all female team in Bondi Junction. I also go swimming at least twice a week. There will always be room for another sport in my schedule. Hoping someone with a touch-football team will contact me and get me to join. :)

Jeremy Mohamed

28-Jun-14Touch-Football -Beginner


I want to put together a social touch footy team. I have played a little bit and its great fun, but I am still rubbish. I am 33 yo male and I didn’t really play any ball sports growing up. The rules are really easy to learn but I really want to learn some basic skills like ball skills, passing, some game tactics, communication etc. So if I get enough people I can organise some training for the game, perhaps over a 6-8 weeks or even longer if we enjoy it.

Zahr Khan

02-Feb-13Touch-Football -Intermediate


Was a regular player in Melbourne but havn't played for over a year due to injuries and moving up to Sydney. Looking to get back into it. Live around Parramatta but work in lane cove so either venue works for me. Let me know if your starting a team or just need an extra player. Cheers Zar

Archeantus Lailoa

07-Jan-13Touch-Football -Advanced


Im quite keen on touch in the Eastern Suburbs especially Queens Park, Centennial or surroundings. I live in Bondi. Played touch since high school and wanting to continue with it. I love the fitness challenge n social interactivity touch provides, moved here from nz months ago and keen to play for any team and with anyone at any level serious or social competition. I pretty handy at recognising a opportunity and reading plays. Yeah, so give me a buzz n i'll be glad to come down have a run. You can fire me if I don't score a try in the first game!

Siobhan Atkins

30-Dec-12Touch-Football -Intermediate


Hi all, I'm a 30 year old woman who is looking for a team around northern NSW or gc south of miami area. I haven't played since high school but have always been into sport. I am available all nights but week nights are best.

Jamieson Melbourne

10-Dec-12Touch-Football -Advanced


Iv played mixed touch football for about 6 years. And played semi professional rugby union for about 6 years aswel for warringah, north Sydney. Just moved from the central coast to live in randwick full time for work and football.

Chelsea Ferris

12-Nov-12Touch-Football -Intermediate

AUBURN, NSWFemale, 37

I've been playing rugby union for 6 years and want to get into some touch during the off season. Just moved to Sutherland and am available Monday or Thursday nights. Anything in the Shire would be convenient. Cheers

Charlie Webb

03-Sep-12Touch-Football -Intermediate


Looking to join a team or find a social group who play regularly. available most afternoons

Belle Sarkis

16-Jul-12Touch-Football -Beginner


I've played touch football in womens and mixed teams for a few seasons now. I'm a decent enough player and enjoy winning most games! I'd love to join a random mixed team for next season. It would have to be week nights and preferably around the Eastern Suburbs.

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