
Hayley Spice

Female, 40

Location: CLAYTON, VIC Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

22-Aug-10Basketball - Beginner

hi, I played basketball back in school, so little rusty at the moment but be sure to pick it up no problem. Just interested in playing a sport and meeting new people as just recently moved over to vic and don't really know anyone.

22-Aug-10Racquetball - Beginner

any one interested in playing racquetball in vic??

22-Aug-10Volleyball - Beginner

Hi, I would like to join a team sport, as I work mon-fri so feel i need a social life in between. I'm 26 years of age and really don't mind if its a mixed team. Please email me in regards to joining a team sport in this field or another, need to get out of the house!!!

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