
Kate Wells

Female, 24

Location: Hammond Park WA Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

12-Jun-24Netball - Intermediate

Myself and my friend are looking to join a netball team. I am a 24 yr old female and my friend is a 34 yr old female. I haven’t played since leaving school so I am quite rusty. Together, we would be between the beginner and intermediate level and both play in the positions of WA and WD. I have played in positions such as GS and GA so open to playing other positions. We’re both hoping to join the same team with the aim of getting back into a team sport for fitness and to meet new people. We would prefer to play around the Hammond Park/ Cockburn area - thanks!

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