
Pola Bacolod

Female, 41

Location: Blacktown NSW Height: Weight: BMI: Body Type: Smoker: Do you drink?: Any children?: Do you have a car?: Profession:

Sports Profiles

20-Jun-15Soccer - Intermediate

I haven't played for a while. wanting to get back to it and join a club. Available on Wed and Thurs around Alexandria or Blacktown area

22-Jun-13Dancing - Beginner

haven't danced in a while.. convenient to dance near Alexandria or neighboring areas. interested in ballroom dancing, jazz and hiphop dance

22-Jun-13Archery - Beginner

interested and very eager to join a club, learn the basics and master the skill!

22-Jun-13Track and Field - Beginner

convenient to run in Alexandria area or neighboring suburbs

22-Jun-13Badminton - Intermediate

convenient to play in Alexandria area or neighboring suburbs

22-Jun-13Bowling - Beginner

convenient to play in Alexandria area or neighboring suburbs

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