Australia wide - 18 profile(s).

Prince Daal

23-Aug-23Archery -Intermediate

Sydney NSWMale, 33

I have more than 4 years of experience in Archery and won many district level prizes.

Indo Yahoo

28-May-23Archery -Intermediate

Melbourne VICMale, 43

Not bad at it

Jules Howden

08-Jun-22Archery -Advanced

Eltham VICMale, 57

I've been shooting for around 15 years (this time). Coaching and /or competing most weekends. Happy to try and catch up at anytime, weeknights would need to be handy to northeastern suburbs.

Colin Baker

27-Jul-21Archery -Intermediate

Deception Bay QLDMale, 35

Want to do archery

Christopher Pinto

16-Mar-20Archery -Beginner

Melbourne VICMale, 33

I've just tried Archery a couple of times, but I really loved it and can't wait to play again. I don't even have any gear so this is profile is pretty much a hail mary, but hey, miracles do happen. Always available on weekends.

Briana Barker

27-May-19Archery -Beginner

Oakleigh East VICFemale

Really looking to get involved in Archery more regularly. Did a few introductory sessions, eager to improve and learn. Can do some weeknights depending on uni schedule, also potentially weekends

Michael Lambert

21-Mar-19Archery -Beginner

South Yarra VICMale, 47

I did this in high school (>25 years ago) and would be interested in doing it again

Tim O

01-Jan-18Archery -Beginner


Interested in giving this a go, would like to connect with someone else interested, or experienced who could give me some pointers

Emma Roberts

25-Oct-17Archery -Intermediate

Albert Park, VictoriaFemale, 37

Enjoy archery - I don't have any kit but happy to come along!

daniel fels

02-May-16Archery -Intermediate

Thornbury, VictoriaMale, 41

been having a shoot on and off for many years, but i dont have my own gear, looking at getting into it a little more seriously. looking for an opourtunity to have another go to see how keen i want to get with it, before i commit to buying all the gear....

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