09-Nov-10Running -Intermediate
run evryday 10-12 km
22-Sep-10Running -Beginner
I am a Canadian here for a year and looking for a running group to join. I've been running casually for years but have recently gotten into longer distances, running my first half this spring.
09-Sep-10Running -Intermediate
Returning to running after a 6 year break, searching for a much gentler way to run and enjoy just being on the road. Plan to run 2011 Perth marathon, but without race pressure or particular expectations. Looking for a training partner in Maylands area or nearby, flexible with distances, times and days.
06-Sep-10Running -Beginner
Looking for a running partner. Im a bit unfit, but I would be reliable if I had a workout partner.
03-Aug-10Running -Intermediate
JOLIMONT, WAFemale, 38
Hi all,
I have set a goal. A marathon before I turn 25. That leave me 18 months. I used to run a lot in high school, but in the last five years it has oly been the occasional one when i felt like it. Now i am running 4 or 5 times a week again. I am looking for someone to run with, in the Subiaco and Jolimont area. Early mornings are acceptable as are evening or weekends. i dont mind just want to have someone to train with and get some miles under my belt.
21-Jul-10Running -Intermediate
MAYLANDS, WAFemale, 44
Hi guys, I am currently seeking a running partner for the Maylands, North Perth area, I used to run alot of half marathons and have completed one marathon in my time, however am ideally looking to do it again to keep fit and tone up. If anyone is keen I am pretty flexible in terms of running times and just finding it hard to motivate myself. Thanks I look forward to hearing from you.
02-Nov-09Running -Beginner
Hi anyone interested in running in Perth city, morning or afternoons. I would be more motivated if i would run with someone. Cheers
21-Aug-09Running -Beginner
ok..I wouldn't call what I do running!! In the past I have worked my way up to running about 6kms..right now I am a little unfit and want to get back to being able to run that far. If any one is keen to run a few laps of Lake Monger at least once a week let me know. We can motivate each other.. :-)
27-Jul-09Running -Intermediate
I have been running for many years, mainly in mornings from 5-6am but due to the bad weather I have had to resort to running on treadmill at the gym. I live in Innaloo but in 7 weeks moving to Joondanna. I am looking for a running partner mornings/evenings/weekends. Male or female dont mind. Someone that will stick to regular days.